sims 4 adventures winterfest
08 Dec, 2020
for a little while, i had broke my sims 4 game. somehow.
well, not exactly somehow. there was a number of issues. i didnt install correctly, had to delete some things to be regenerated, had to take out a few bad mods... etc. etc. but the other day, i finally fixed all of it and began playing again.
i decided to load up one of my usual saves and play a household that has one of my favorite sims in it. her name is Mandy Andrews.

here is Mandy, eating a grilled cheese while her servo, Ivan, chills in the background.
in this particular save, it was time for Winterfest! which, if you don't play the sims 4, is basically just christmas. why they called it "winterfest" instead of "christmas" is still a mystery to me. but, regardless, still perfect timing, as it is that time of year again here in the real world.
so, since i was playing with Mandy anyways, i decided to make her go give gifts to her friends!

...right after she's done chatting with Ivan. i don't think he has a thing for her, he just got finished watching the romance channel.
so, first stop is her friend Renee. Renee is pretty cool. they're a spellcaster, which is basically a witch in the game. Mandy has bought them a camera, i believe.

those tarot card posters are cool. i want some irl.
whatever it was, Renee loved it! Mandy gained a happy moodlet from it, and after some visiting, it was time to go visit Youko.
Mandy isn't... exactly close to Youko. i think she got her like, a journal or something? yknow, like the ones from Claire's with the cheap lock on them and the funky designs... i loved those things to death as a kid but never wrote in them...

YKNOW, THESE??? LOVED THESE FUCKERS i thought they were so cool

anyways... so she gave her the journal and...

...she hated it. a shame. Mandy got sad from that, and then quickly and awkwardly left as soon as possible to go see her next friend.
next friend is Gwendolyn. i actually forgot she had a family with her wife! (i think she's her wife?) i believe Mandy got her a romance novel of some sort, because i felt like Gwen is into that sort of thing.

upon arrival, Mandy first ran into Gwen's partner, Bo, holding the baby. (also yes this is a premade house that i just edited my building skills arent great)

this visit was quite the visit indeed. first Mandy ran into Bo, Gwen's wife(?). then Gwen herself actually came along, as so did the pets. then they all danced to christmas Winterfest music. and then, of course, Mandy had to say hi to the pets! how could you not??

eventually, it was time to give Gwen her Winterfest present. thankfully, she was happy with it! woohoo! oh god no not that kind

now it was time to see Celeste, who is actually Gwen's sister.
Celeste and Mandy are close enough, i think? i remember Mandy getting her a boombox or something, the same one she has in her own home. (...i was kinda running out of ideas and i didnt get a very big list of gifts to buy in game on such short notice...)
so she heads up to Celeste's place. yknow what Celeste has?? like, my favorite item in the whole game! right in her home! check this out!

this thing!! is called a Crabby Bottom Armadillo!! and i think it's the cutest little thing!!!
*ahem* ...anyways. so Mandy give Celeste the boombox... which somehow fits in that tiny ass box, but it's a video game, it doesn't need to make sense. regardless, Celeste is happy to be a proud owner of a new stereo system! another successful gift given!

screenshots like these make me happy i installed a height slider sometimes.
and now... we have one final gift recipient. and that would be a woman by the name of Heather.
i think Mandy has a little crush on Heather. she is very pretty. anyways, Mandy found a SimRay for sale and decided that would make the perfect gift for Heather.

can we appreciate this house for a second? i built it! once again im not a great builder but this is one of my better builds.
so we stroll on up, come on in... at this point, Mandy wanted to go to bed... in Heather's bed. but if we do that without asking to stay the night we will get yelled at!! so we cant sleep now... and besides, we got a SimRay to deliver.
Mandy does manage to give the SimRay to Heather, and she loves it! hooray!! a happy holiday indeed!!!

all of this was managed before 2 AM, when Winterfest officially ends. Mandy went home, talked to Ivan briefly, and then went to bed. she got a happy moodlet for a good holiday, so i consider it all a huge success.
if you actually like... read all of this. uh, thank you? the sims 4 can be a really mundane game sometimes, but i love the series to pieces. life simulation games in general are really my thing and i'm happy to be able to talk about them lol.
i'll probably write more sims posts in the future? i really like this game. but for now, that is all. i've been really vibin' to the PS VITA home menu screen music lately, so i'll post that below. take care everyone! stay safe out there in this crazy, crazy world.