last night, december 2, i finally mustered some energy to take pictures of my card collection! woohoo!

even better, my girlfriend's mom lended me a light box to take photos in! i was just about to do it on the dining room table, but she came by and asked what i was up to. i told her i was just taking photos of my cards and that's when she brought up the light box. so that was neat! my photos aren't 100% great, but definitely an improvement i hope? lol

anyways... let's get to it. before we begin, however... one of the decks feature artwork that may contain some nudity. specifically... boobs. oh god. no. not the boobs.

invader zim from Invader Zim staring in wide-eyed fear.

let's go!

Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck

a tall, thick, white card box with a silver, holographic trim around the top stands upon a white backdrop. in front of it is a card titled The Star, and features a nude woman pouring water into a small pool of water below her. behind this card is a card flipped on it's front, showcasing it's holographic back.

this one is one of my favorites. the artwork, in my opinion, is very pretty and hey! it's shiny on the back!! so cool...

a gif of cyrus shifting the back of one of the cards around in the light, showing off it's holographic features as it changes color under the light.

i received this deck for yule last year. i think i was surprised that i actually got it? for whatever reason, i said i wanted it for yule and then figured i wasn't actually going to get it. weird. but, i did, and i've been in love since! they're a little hard to shuffle though, probably because i just Suck at shuffling cards lol. this is the deck i usually use the most to practice tarot, and! there's an app for it too, with all sorts of information and stuff.

Rider Waite Tarot Deck

a tall, blue, velvety bag stands upon a white backdrop. in front of it is the Six of Cups card featuring six cups, one being handed off from one person to another. the cups are filled with flowers. behind this card is a card laying face down, showing off it's blue plaid backing.

a classic. one of the more basic tarot decks around. this is actually my second favorite! i originally didn't care for the rider waite deck, but went ahead and ordered it, because i figured i should have such a classic deck in my collection anyways. eventually, i fell in love with it, and it became my second favorite deck. unlike the previous deck, these cards are nice and easy to shuffle. also, this deck is in a bag because the box began falling apart quickly... and i had this little bag on hand, so i transferred the deck on over to it.

WTNV Hayworth Tarot Deck

a tall, black, velvety bag with the Welcome to Nightvale logo on it stands upon a white backdrop. in front of it is the Chariot card, featuring a mine shaft. behind this card is a card laying face down, showing off it's purple backing with a design done in black.

this was also a yule gift! from my girlfriend. we were real into Welcome to Nightvale at the time, i think. one of us was. either way, i do love this podcast, and when we stumbled upon this deck, i was like "omg... i want". well, now i am in possession of it, lol. the art is very grim and unsettling, right on brand i feel. unlike the deck before, this one actually came in this little bag! it's really cool. shuffling these are also a bit hard, and they're a bit sticky, but it could just be me.

The Starseed Oracle

a tall, pastel colored box with a dent in it's side stands upon a white backdrop. a woman is pictured on the front of the box. in front of it is a card titled Inner Earth, featuring a photo manipulation of a landscape with lush green trees and a body of bright blue water in the background. the scene is framed by rock. behind this card is a card laying face down, showing off it's pastel colored backing.

one of my more... strange, decks that i own. i had bought it during a time where i was having an identity crisis of sorts, and i found the artwork to be absolutely gorgeous. it resonated with me at the time, but nowadays not so much. i still hold onto it, however, because of the artwork. also, when it arrived to me, i opened it to see it had that dent! i was bummed at first, but then shrugged it off. i guess it's just unique, now. the cards are quite large and difficult to shuffle with my clumsy ass hands, but they do have a nice finish thats really smooth.

Power Animal Oracle Cards

a yellow box with a wolf standing in a red background stands upon a white backdrop. in front of it is a card titled Deer: Pathfinder, featuring a photo of a deer in a green field. behind this card is a card laying face down, showing off it's red backing with an animal in the center.

one of my very least used decks... my girlfriend's mom found these and handed them to me one day. "here you go! these are yours now." it's technically my very first deck of cards in this collection... but i never resonated with them. i just keep them, because i feel bad to just give them away. they aren't bad or anything! just... not for me, i suppose. i can't really tell you how well they feel and shuffle because i haven't used them enough...

Silver Dollar City Time Traveler Playing Card Deck

a small, steampunk themed playing card box with the Time Traveler logo stands upon a white backdrop. in front of it is the queen of clubs card, featuring shiny, golden foil. behind this card is a card laying face down, showing off it's steam punk, golden foil backing with the Time Traveler logo.

here's my first and only playing card deck! back in september, me, my girlfriend, and her parents took a trip to Branson, MO. it was a fun time! we went to a park over there called Silver Dollar City. now, in Silver Dollar City, there was a ride called the Time Traveler. me and my beloved saw the ride and was like, "yeah! let's go on!" ...and then we discovered it went upside down. Nope. so, instead, we visited it's gift shop, like the Fake Fans we are. she got a cool shirt... and i saw these cards. they're shiny!!!

a gif of cyrus shifting the queen of clubs card around in the light, showing off how shiny it is

so... reason #85898589 to never give me money lol. i couldnt pass these up. i walked out of that gift shop with my brand new purchase, very excited. now, these cards... are SUPER slippery! no good for actual playing! but... i was thinking of learning how to use them for divination. maybe if i'm very careful... they won't go flying everywhere at the lunch table.

well, that does it for my collection!! feel free to ask me any questions you may have... i'm not an expert or anything, but i'll attempt to answer the best i can!

thanks for reading! again, i apologize for the slow updates... my sleep schedule is a bit screwy right now, i'm working on fixing it! anyways, have a good and safe day!! here's a song i've been listening to (its... a bit sad though.)